Time Machine

easily seem a saint, when nothing is sacred

Astrological forecast for the month
July 23 - August 22, 2015




It is a risky period, painted stresses scandals and losses. Can you lose something that you were long tied or what you long hoarded and collected. If you are experiencing violence, crime and disaster, if possible one reason: you have tried to take on more than they could carry. If you come across a large (for you) money, be very careful, and most importantly - do not take too much.




Now you will open wide prospects for marriage and business partnerships. Fate will show you the true face of partners and halves, those who can be safely put on the other scales. Chance of a big change in the fate of your partner and your relationship. If you have to suddenly sever relations or sue, do not worry; In any case, you have to start everything anew.




You have one of the most difficult periods of the year, colored loneliness, financial difficulties, illness or care. A good time for purging and repairs. Good period for all physicians, pharmacists, inspectors, cashiers, employees printing, sewing workshops, tax offices, garages and all those involved with the repair.




You are to be congratulated. Finally, the stars will give you all the chances to realize their wildest dreams come true. There is a high probability of conception or birth. Generally, your children will play a major role in the upcoming events. A good time for those whose life is connected with the work, and all those who work in show business and entertainment. It's time for fun and relaxation, perhaps even in a distant country.




You can suddenly change their place of residence and their activities. Many of you will make problem solving the fate of their parents and inheritance. Chance of a trip to the land of their ancestors, which greatly change your life. Destiny will give you a chance to radically change their privacy. Remember that your ancestors will need you, especially a mother or grandmother.




For you, this is the most important month of the year, as you turn on the main planet which is the master of the sign of Gemini - a Mercury. Firstly, it will provide opportunities to unleash your innate qualities - your mind and a sophisticated communication skills. You can significantly increase the level of their education and broaden their relations. Second, you can open up unexpected prospects away from home, especially if you are working secretaries, translators, or in the fields of trade, education, publishing, railway / road transport.




If you are destined to get rich much, or vice versa - to splurge, it will happen very soon. In any case, money and property will be the main topics of forecasts next month. Those who live in abundance, life force to risk as a result of that and there will be major changes. There is a good chance much to update your wardrobe and household items.




Your predictions will be in the spotlight. After recent losses, destruction and bifurcations situation becomes clearer, and you try to start their lives from scratch. Perhaps you will be the man who is destined to soon become your supplement, and did not exclude a wedding or a lucrative contract. But there is a downside. Likely litigation with your former partners or other tense standoff. In any case, the stars put you in the head all the zodiac and give you a place of honor leader.




You will not be easy. The crisis can affect your health. But if you build a career in medicine or any controlling organization, then you can be lucky in the big. Likely betrayal, deception, intrigue, conspiracies against you. A good time is only for those who work in secret secret organizations, religious structures and hospitals.




You are waiting for pleasant meetings with friends and significant upgrade to your surroundings. In the near future you will understand the true meaning of words: friendship, freedom and independence. Some of you will happen is a real revolution and change of power. Lucky for those who work with computers, electronics, new technologies, as well as in the areas of Aeroflot, television and gambling.




The nearest period will be the most serious and responsible in the year. Lucky only true professionals. That you can achieve your goal and take key positions. Career and relationships with the authorities will take all your attention. Chance of a change of superiors. In the best case, you will open up broad prospects and great potential. You can come to power, directly or indirectly, if you enclose a profitable marriage of a man who suits you fathers.




You open all the possibilities currently open in the spark that gave you the LORD. It will be possible emigration or long-distance travel. You can greatly expand your horizons. This is a very good time to improve their education and opportunities to tie a strong relationship with people from afar.


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The author of the forecast a month - Andrey Lavrov. Go to site KOMETA-LOVE >>

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